39.dianoia    2024


Manuel Fiori

The Making of a Thought in the Flow of History

pp. 7-10

, DOI: 10.53148/DI202439001

Thomas Leinkauf

Immanuel Kant und die Antike

pp. 11-44

, DOI: 10.53148/DI202439002

Gonzalo Serrano Escallon

Copernicus as a Source for the Kantian Transcendental Turn.
On Kant's Tricentennial (1724), 550 Years After the Birth of Copernicus (1473)

pp. 45-60

, DOI: 10.53148/DI202439003

Katherine Dunlop

Kant’s Admiration for and Disagreement with Newton

pp. 61-80

, DOI: 10.53148/DI202439004

Marco Sgarbi

John Keill and the Pre-Critical Kant

pp. 81-106

, DOI: 10.53148/DI202439005

J. Colin McQuillan

Kant’s Appropriation of Wolffi an Faculty Psychology

pp. 107-120

, DOI: 10.53148/DI202439006

Manuel Fiori

On the Sources of the Kantian Distinction between Voluntary and Involuntary Imagination: 
Remarks on Platner, Meier and Tetens

pp. 121-140

, DOI: 10.53148/DI202439007

Andrew Ward

Hume and Kant on Liberty and Necessity

pp. 141-154

, DOI: 10.53148/DI202439008

Jennifer Mensch

Species, Variety, Race: Vocabularies of Diff erence from Buff on to Kant

pp. 155-179

, DOI: 10.53148/DI202439009

© STEM Mucchi Editore
Finito di stampare nel mese di settembre 2024
Grafica STEM Mucchi (MO)
Stampa E.Lui (RE)


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