Sui modi dell’appartenenza. Una mappa di Metafisica Delta (Δ16-30)
In this paper I deal with chapters 16-30 of Aristotle’s Metaphysics Book Δ (V). The main aim is to provide a map of their argument. Despite each chapter seems to be devoted only to the analysis of the meanings of a single philosophical term, I shall demonstrate how their ordering is far from being accidental. Each chapter is indeed thematized by its previous one/s and meant to deny relations of convertibility between concepts.
Keywords Simone G. Seminara -
Sui modi dell’appartenenza. Una mappa di Metafisica Delta (Δ16-30)
Il fr. 126 IP2 di Senocrate e l’ipotesi di bipartizione dell’anima nell’Academia antica
In Isnardi Parente’s re-edition of Xenocrates’ fragments (2012), in the commentary to fr. 126 we read that the information reported ‘indicates the departure by Xenocrates and presumably the Academy from Plato’s tripartite psychology’ (my translation). This paper offers an analysis of fr. 126 IP2 and the information ascribed to Xenocrates by Theodoret. The aim is to show that an attentive examination of the information preserved does not allow us to determine whether Xenocrates and the Academy did, in fact, abandon Plato’s tripartite psychology.
Keywords Giulia De Cesaris -
Il fr. 126 IP2 di Senocrate e l’ipotesi di bipartizione dell’anima nell’Academia antica
The Akratic Gap. Remarks on the Book VII of Nicomachean Ethics in Walter Burley’s Commentary
Walter Burley’s Commentary to the Nicomachean Ethics is commonly considered little more than an expositio littere. Nevertheless, in some notanda he raises open questions about the crucial gap between the conclusion of the practical syllogism and action. Within the interpretative framework of Saarinen’s and Wood’s works, I will focus on Burley’s analysis of akrasia in book VII. The first point will be some questions related to a notandum, concerning the gap between intellect and will as typical of akrasia. Secondly, I will analyze it in the light of Burley’s semantics, where conceptual tools developed in one science prove useful in solving problems of another discipline, in this case ethics. Finally, I’ll address the Commentary’s brief gloss about heroic virtue, as example of Burley’s first steps in the use of measure languages in ethics, by analogy with the Oxford Calculators’ techniques.
Keywords Roberto Limonta -
The Akratic Gap. Remarks on the Book VII of Nicomachean Ethics in Walter Burley’s Commentary
Walter Burley, Akrasia, Aristotle, Practical Syllogism, Semantics.
Roberto Limonta
The Akratic Gap. Remarks on the Book VII of Nicomachean Ethics in Walter Burley’s Commentary
Dire «io» nella filosofia. I tanti moi di Montaigne
This article aims to examine the question of the moi in Montaigne analyzing the shifting of first person pronoun between story and theory, biography and philosophy. This critical problem agitates indeed the thought of Montaigne, who is sensible to the rights of the individual moi and the experience of the subject but at the same time, to the definition of a possible universality starting from a specific and singular situation: «la forme entière» of the human condition, entirely immersed in the perennial movement of the world and in the temporality of existence, «la nihilité de l’humaine condition»
Keywords Mariafranca Spallanzani -
Dire «io» nella filosofia. I tanti moi di Montaigne
A Philosophy at the First-Person; Montaigne’s Les Essais; Skeptical phenomenalism; The multiple versions of the moi.
Mariafranca Spallanzani
Dire «io» nella filosofia. I tanti moi di Montaigne
Ancora a proposito di storia, progresso e divina Provvidenza. Brevi note su Adam Smith
The essay discusses the historiographical thesis, still hegemonic, according to which Adam Smith was a convinced supporter of the progressive nature of human history. From this perspective it reiterates, first of all, the conjectural status of the stadial theory exposed in the Lectures on Jurisprudence; then examines the vibrant denunciation of the human costs of modernization contained in the Wealth of Nations. The last part of the paper finally addresses the vexed question of the (alleged) theological inspiration of Smith’s historical-social analysis, which is still the subject of a heated interpretative dispute today.
Keywords Alberto Burgio -
Ancora a proposito di storia, progresso e divina Provvidenza. Brevi note su Adam Smith
Adam Smith, Progress, Conjectural History, Stadial Theory, Providence.
Alberto Burgio
Ancora a proposito di storia, progresso e divina Provvidenza. Brevi note su Adam Smith
Tra pieghe e anamorfosi. Sulla lettura deleuziana di Spinoza
This essay aims to examine some aspects of the deleuzean interpretation of Spinoza, not only in regards to his major works on the philosopher – namely Spinoza and the Problem of Expression and Spinoza. Practical Philosophy – but also in regards to the general understanding of his theoretical heritage. The paper starts with a global consideration of the methods employed by Deleuze in his works on the history of philosophy and then focuses on the concepts of ‘Anamorphosis’ and ‘Fold’ as two useful tools to deepen Deleuze’s interpretation of Spinoza’s thought. The ‘Anamorphosis’ is used in order to explain and frame the great variety of images of Spinoza presented in Deleuze’s texts. Within such variety, the concept of ‘Fold’ can be employed to better understand the underlying unity of Deleuze’s reading of Spinoza and its connection with the stages of his own theoretical path.
Keywords Claudio D’Aurizio -
Tra pieghe e anamorfosi. Sulla lettura deleuziana di Spinoza
Deleuze, Spinoza, History of Philosophy, Leibniz, Fold.
Claudio D’Aurizio
Tra pieghe e anamorfosi. Sulla lettura deleuziana di Spinoza
Terra come spazio politico. L’Antropocene alla luce dell’ontologia geografica di Augustin Berque
This essay proposal is to think of the Anthropocene as an existential change: that is, as the moment in which the whole Earth exists, for us, as a political space. To do this, I place myself at the crossroads between geography and philosophy, firstly criticizing a certain “negative” idea of geography, which brings with it a certain idea of the political. Secondly, I briefly introduce what I consider to be some fundamental lines of the thought of the French geographer Augustin Berque. Against this background, and by crossing his reasoning with some of Merleau-Ponty’s now classic reflections on the relationship between Culture and Nature, I finally come to criticize the idea of Nature as the other space par excellence, the outside of the human animal.
Keywords Riccardo Ferracci -
Terra come spazio politico. L’Antropocene alla luce dell’ontologia geografica di Augustin Berque
Filosofia del diritto o filosofi del diritto? Sulle orme di Riccardo Orestano
pp. 139-144
di Giorgio Astone
di Giorgio Astone
Per una filosofia dell’Alieno. La «filoso-finzione» di Peter Szendy nel dibattito contemporaneo sul post-umano
pp. 145-152
di Efrem Trevisan
di Efrem Trevisan
Livio Rossetti, Ripensare i presocratici, da Talete (anzi da Omero) a Zenone, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2023, 336 pp
di Francesco Cerrato
di Francesco Cerrato
Simona Langella, Rafael Ramis Barceló (eds), ¿Qué es la segunda escolástica?, Editorial Sindéresis, Madrid 2023, 534 pp.
di Diego Donna
di Diego Donna
Denis Kambouchner, La question Descartes, Gallimard, Paris 2023, 439 p
di Marina Lalatta Costerbosa
di Marina Lalatta Costerbosa
Dante Valitutti, Gustav Radbruch. Relativismo, Equità, Trialismo metodologico, Certezza giuridica, Diritto sovralegale, DeriveApprodi, Bologna 2023, 93 pp.
di Gianluca Gasparini
di Gianluca Gasparini
Tommaso Greco, Curare il mondo con Simone Weil, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2023, 160 pp.
di Ottavio Lovece
di Ottavio Lovece
Mattia Cardenas, La filosofia come attualità della storia. Sul concetto di storia della filosofia nell’Italia del Novecento, Padova University Press, Padova 2023, 533 pp.
di Valerio Nitrato Izzo
di Valerio Nitrato Izzo
Giorgio Ridolfi, Identità e continuità dello Stato. Un’indagine filosofico-giuridica, Castelvecchi, Roma 2022, 245 pp
di Lorenzo Marannino
di Lorenzo Marannino
Dominique Pradelle, Être et genèse des idéalités. Un ciel sans éternité, PUF, Paris 2023, 544 pp.
di Carolina Tognon
di Carolina Tognon
Luigi Fadiga, Storie di giustizia minorile. Riflessioni e proposte, Edizioni Junior, Parma 2022, 217 pp.
di Efrem Trevisan
di Efrem Trevisan
Alberto Burgio (ed.), Il senso della filosofia. Un confronto a più voci, Mucchi Editore, Modena 2023, 252 pp.
di Giovanni Russo
di Giovanni Russo
Carlo Casonato, Biodiritto. Oggetto, fonti, modelli, metodo, Giappichelli, Torino 2023, 368 pp.